Thursday 18 December 2008

David S. Lamdes(2006)”Why Europe and the West? Why not China”

This is a study to explain the reason why China lose westerners nevertheless it exceeded western before 19 century.

According to the paper, there were two chances to develop, but China failed. The reason is social system and value.

Chance 1: continuing technology
Lacked a free market and institutionalized property rights.
Lager value of society weights custom and consensus.
-in Europe, Judaeo-Christian respect for labor as religious value
-free market is self-development system because an enterprise is free and innovation worked and paid, that rulers and vested interests were narrowly constrained in what they could do to prevent or discourage innovation.

Chances 2:learn from western
One consequence was a prudent, almost instinctive, resistance to change
Another consequence was a plague of lies and misinformation: officials wrote and told their superiors what they wanted to hear: or what the subordinate thought the superior would want to hear.

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